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[IMPROVEMENT] Hide relationship field on profile popup if a user doesn't input info for this field

2[IMPROVEMENT] Sign up - Enable "Username" field by default
3[IMPROVEMENT] Separate Subscription as a standalone app.


[BUG] Forum - Popular topics - Cannot search topic contains character dot


[BUG] AdminCP - Custom Field - Description of Small Text Field about max length is incorrect.

6[BUG] AdminCP - Add Relationship Status -  Links in the breadcrumb don't work
7[BUG] Video - Technical issue when adding wrong video link
8[BUG] Group - Add new widget - Background color configured isn't applied on text
9[BUG] your demo type in search bar then press search button says: Provide a search query. #2319 ????10[BUG] User profile - Unable to access to user profile page ??? Global Search - Keywords are removed when clicking on the Search icon
11[BUG]  Login As Page - Feed - Unable to delete feed at the first time ???item right after shared
12[BUG] Page - Feed - Textbox status is hidden after photos are cover photo is uploaded failed
13[BUG] Feed - Duplicate items of relationship shows duplicated username
14[BUG] go to admincp search google api then click you have apps>> core>> settings click core link not working #2327 AdminCP - Top Search - Links in the breadcrumb don't work after searching Core settings
15[BUG]  AdminCP - Ban Filter : if you click ban button Yes then No it give you more options only, but not by default - so no one know its got more options ? #2328- Form doesn't show correctly when toggling "Ban User" setting
16[BUG] Blocks  Middle blocks (block 2 and 4) disappear on the next page when using buttons pagination instead of scroll down paginationloading more.
17[BUG] Blogs - Search - RTL layout isn't applied when switching to RTL language
