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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.




1Add space below Save button of Account Settings page
2Improve Installation configuration and AdminCP configuration
3Open new tab when selecting items on AdminCP menu
4Remove unnecessary button on the statistics page on Bootstrap template
5Privacy Setting - Remove the background of email notification on Bootstrap template
6Deleted notification will disappear without reloading the page
7Feed is loaded properly from the user profile
8Unauthorized users no longer can edit other users' statuses
9Improvements to some layout issues when enabling Bundle JS
10Improvements on Captcha generation
11Update design for guest list on Invite
12Able to see all feedback on Reported items
13Removed temporary settings of AddThis
14Banned user is no longer can log in
15Ban filter is improved to work more properly
16Move all settings related to Trending block to Block settings
17Hide the "Continue" button after click on
18Hide action "Feature/Unfeature User" when the setting "Can members of this user group feature and unfeature members?" is disabled
19Show phrase instead of variable name in Deny user popup
20Replace video icon in filter menu with the default icon

Porting Apps

Activity Point
With Activity Point app, users can easily and smoothly manage settings and configurations of pointing system on both backend and frontend. As a stand-alone app, there will be no boundary or limit from the Core system. Additionally, Activity Point app opens a door for developers to take advantage on pointing system and use it in developing, modifying and adjusting features on their apps.
