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Since phpFox 4.7.1, the Home page of the Material template can be configured with custom blocks easily. Let's take a look some samples of the Home page of the Material template

Landing page with 2-column layout

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Landing page with 3-column layout

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How to configure custom blocks

You can have the Home page with 1-column, 2-column or 3-column layout.

  • With 1-column layout: all blocks HAVE TO be configured in Block Area 2 only.
  • With 2-column layout: Custom blocks can be configured in either Block Areas 1 & 2 or Block Areas 2 & 3 
  • With 3-column layout: Custom blocks can be configured in all Block Areas 1, 2 and 3. 

Note: 2 Welcome and User Sign up for Guests blocks should be configured in the same block area (column). We recommend putting these blocks in Block Area 2.

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1. Example on Block Area 1

You can put here a block of the site-related statistic. Here we opt to Featured Members block, so visitors can see who are active on your community.


Go to AdminCP >> Appearance >> Blocks >> Choose Visitor Landing Page (core.index-visitor) >> Add Block. Setup the new block as follow.

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The new block will show up in the Block list of Homepage (core.index-visitor).

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2. Example


of Block Area 2

Here instead of a just one large block to display the main photo, we change the design of Block 2 into two minor vertical blocks, one on top another. A block to show the main photo, and below it is a block to display the Registration form.


Setup another new block to hold the Registration form.

3. Example on Block 3

In this blog, we suggest you put up blocks with introduction, news, announcement or updates on your site.

Go to AdminCP >> Appearance >> Blocks >> Choose Visitor Landing Page (core.index-visitor) >> Add Block. Setup a new block as follow to show up main photo.

Done! Now you have a completed Homepage for your site with rich content due to custom blocks!