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Release Date: July 12, 2023

What's new



Flatten theme variant

The Flatten theme




variant introduces a clean and minimalist approach to the design, focusing on simplicity and elegance. The user interface elements are thoughtfully arranged, providing a clutter-free experience that allows users to navigate effortlessly throughout the platform.

With its sleek and streamlined aesthetic, Flatten offers a visually appealing user interface that is both visually captivating and user-friendly.

The Flatten theme variant is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Users who access your social networking platform from a large desktop screen or a small mobile device will enjoy a consistent and optimized user experience.

Additionally, the Flatten theme is free for Admin to customize. Admin users can choose from various customization options via Layout Editor, including personalized background images, color schemes, and font styles, enabling them to create a visually distinctive presence within the social networking community.

Advertise on Mobile

Users can now manage advertisements specifically for mobile devices, allowing them to target and optimize their ad campaigns for mobile users.

Support for Sponsor Feed

The software now includes support for sponsored content in the feed, enabling businesses or influencers to promote their content to a wider audience.

Support for Sponsor Blog

Users can now monetize their social networking platform by allowing sponsored blog posts, where companies or individuals can pay to publish their articles or blog posts on the platform.

Support for Invite-Only Registration

With this improvement, you can now enable registration on your social networking website only through invitations. This feature provides more control over user registration and can help maintain exclusivity or limit access to a specific audience.

Live Video on Page/Group

Users can now create and broadcast live videos directly from their social networking pages or groups. This feature enhances the interactive and real-time nature of your platform, allowing users to engage with their audience through live video content.

Performance Enhancements

The new version of the software includes various optimizations and improvements to enhance its overall performance. These performance enhancements may involve areas such as faster loading times, improved response times, reduced server resource usage, optimized database queries, and overall smoother user experience. The focus on performance ensures that your social networking platform operates efficiently and provides a seamless experience for your users.

By addressing performance issues, you're ensuring that your software delivers a better and more reliable experience to your users, making it easier for them to navigate and engage with the platform. These performance improvements are essential for maintaining user satisfaction and attracting new users to your social networking software.

Resolved known issues

Bug fixes are a crucial and essential part of software development as they improve the overall quality and functionality of the product. The new version of the software addresses and fixes various bugs and known issues in previous versions. These bug fixes ensure that the software functions as intended, eliminating any unexpected behaviors or errors that users have encountered.  They contribute to a smoother user experience and help maintain the integrity of your social networking software.