Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

We use Twig as our default template engine. If you haven't worked with Twig or the Liquid Templating language, make sure to read up on how Twig works here.

In addition to the variables and functions supported by Twig, we have a few custom variables/functions for you to work with.


VariableDescriptionRequiredVersion Added
{{ content }}Displays the main content for the site. This content changes each time a new page is loaded.yes4.0
{{ left }}Primary side block. Loads blocks 1 & 9.yes4.0
{{ right }}Secondary side block. Loads blocks 3 & 10yes4.0
{{ js }}Loads all Javascript files at the footer. This must be placed before the </body> closing tag.yes4.0
{{ title }}Displays the site title. Must be placed inside the HTML <title></title> elements.yes4.0
{{ header }}Loads everything that is to be placed within <head></head>.yes4.0
{{ html }}

Loads the directional and language settings for the site. Must be placed inside the <html> element.

Code Block
<html {{ html }}>
{{ body }}

Loads the pages ID and Class names. Must be placed inside the <body> element.

Code Block
<body {{ body }}>
{{ sticky_bar }}

Loads the notification panel for when a user is logged in.

Image Added
