Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


VariableDescriptionRequiredVersion Added
{{ content }}Displays the main content for the site. This content changes each time a new page is loaded.yes4.0
{{ left }}Primary side block. Loads blocks 1 & 9.yes4.0
{{ right }}Secondary side block. Loads blocks 3 & 10yes4.0
{{ js }}Loads all Javascript files at the footer. This must be placed before the </body> closing tag.yes4.0
{{ title }}Displays the site title. Must be placed inside the HTML <title></title> elements.yes4.0
{{ header }}Loads everything that is to be placed within <head></head>.yes4.0
{{ html }}

Loads the directional and language settings for the site. Must be placed inside the <html> element.

Code Block
<html {{ html }}>
{{ body }}

Loads the pages ID and Class names. Must be placed inside the <body> element.

Code Block
<body {{ body }}>
{{ sticky_bar }}

Loads the notification panel for when a user is logged in.

Image Modified
