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Integrating Feed, Like, Comment, Share Service

What is Feed ?

In phpFox, a feed item is a story about an actor perform performs an action in which members can like, comment, share, ...

Example feed about admin post a status

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An activity stream is a list of activities performed by a relevant actors, on phpFox system there are 2 kind of activity stream


We do not insert the value directly in to database, almost case, developer using Feed service to handle insert process.

Code Block

Phpfox::getService('feed.process')->add('todo', $iTaskId, 0,0);

Let's update AddController.php, modify code as following

Code Block


namespace Apps\TodoList\Controller;

class AddController extends \Phpfox_Component
    public function process()
        // Get phpFox core template service
        $template = $this->template();

        // set view title
        $template->setTitle('Add To Do');

        // set view breadcrumb
        $template->setBreadCrumb('Add To Do',

        // add your section menus
        $template->buildSectionMenu('to-do-list', [
            'Browse' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list'),
            'Create' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'),

        // get current requests
        $request = $this->request();

        // get request data
        $vals = $request->get('val');

        if (!empty($vals)) {
            // validate
            if (empty($vals['name'])) {
                \Phpfox_Error::set(_p('To do name is required'));

            if (empty($vals['description'])) {
                \Phpfox_Error::set(_p('Do do description is required'));

            if (\Phpfox_Error::isPassed()) {
                // insert to do item database
                $iItemId  = \Phpfox::getLib('database')->insert(\Phpfox::getT('todolist_task'),[
                    'user_id'=> \Phpfox::getUserId(), // get current user id
                    'name'=> $vals['name'],
                    'time_stamp'=>time(),  // creatation time
                    'time_update'=>time(), // last modification time
                    'privacy'=>0, // public
                    'task_status'=>0, // mark task is in-complete

                // insert new feed
               \Phpfox::getService('feed.process')->add('todo', $iItemId, 0,0);


Visit '+ Add To Do', add new item, visit phpfox_feed, table you see a new entry with type_id is todolist'todo'.

phpFox Feed service will handle how to fetch feed items from database, but it's does not know detail information about feed,
so it will interact to others using a Callback service, in phpFox almost app have at least one callback service.

Define a callback service is simple, Just just add new class Callback under Service directory, past following code

Code Block


namespace Apps\TodoList\Service;

class Callback extends \Phpfox_Service


Then register callback service to start.php

Code Block

{code language=php}<?php
// register service
    'todo.browse'   => Service\Browse::class,
    'todo'          => Service\TodoList::class,
    'todo.callback' => Service\Callback::class,

Now we will add getActivityFeed() to the Callback,

Code Block


  namespace Apps\TodoList\Service;

  use Phpfox;

  class Callback extends \Phpfox_Service
      public function getActivityFeed($aRow, $aCallback = null, $isChild = false){
        $aItem =  \Phpfox::getService('todo')->getForBrowse($aRow['item_id']);

          $aReturn =  array_merge(array(
              'feed_title' => $aItem['name'],
              'privacy' => $aItem['privacy'],
              'feed_info' => _p('post_new_to_do'),
              'feed_link' => Phpfox::permalink('to-do-list.view', $aItem['task_id'], $aItem['name']),
              'feed_content' => $aItem['name'],
              'total_comment' => $aItem['total_comment'],
              'feed_total_like' => $aItem['total_like'],
              'feed_is_liked' => isset($aRow['is_liked']) ? $aRow['is_liked'] : false,
              'feed_icon' => '',
              'time_stamp' => $aRow['time_stamp'],
              'enable_like' => true,
              'comment_type_id' => 'todo',
              'like_type_id' => 'todo',
              'custom_data_cache' => $aRow
          ), $aRow);

          return $aReturn;

Click on phpFox home page, you see the first feed result


As you see, the feed headline is concat from the actor and and a phrase "post_new_to_do",
add this phrase to phrase.json then re-validate app. The final result will be.

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Later, you can be able to change the layout of your feed.

Integrating Like Service

Continue with Callback Service, update code

Code Block


namespace Apps\TodoList\Service;

use Phpfox;

class Callback extends \Phpfox_Service
    // this method return required information to show a feed item on stream
    public function getActivityFeed($aRow, $aCallback = null, $isChild = false)

        $aItem = \Phpfox::getService('todo')

        $isLiked = false;

            $isLiked = $this->database()
                ->select('l.like_id AS is_liked')
                ->from(Phpfox::getT('todolist_task'), 'b')
                ->leftJoin(Phpfox::getT('like'), 'l', 'l.type_id = \'todo\' AND l.item_id = b.task_id AND l.user_id = ' . Phpfox::getUserId())

        $aReturn = array_merge([
            'feed_title'        => $aItem['name'],
            'privacy'           => $aItem['privacy'],
            'feed_info'         => _p('post_new_to_do'),
            'feed_link'         => Phpfox::permalink('to-do-list.view',
                $aItem['task_id'], $aItem['name']),
            'feed_content'      => $aItem['name'],
            'total_comment'     => $aItem['total_comment'],
            'feed_total_like'   => $aItem['total_like'],
            'feed_is_liked'     => $isLiked,
            'feed_icon'         => '',
            'time_stamp'        => $aRow['time_stamp'],
            'enable_like'       => true,
            'comment_type_id'   => 'todo',
            'like_type_id'      => 'todo',
            'custom_data_cache' => $aRow,
        ], $aRow);

        return $aReturn;

    public function addLike($iItemId)
            'type_id = \'todo\' AND item_id = ' . (int)$iItemId . '',
            'total_like', 'todolist_task', 'task_id = ' . (int)$iItemId);

Visit Homepage again, you can like the posted to do as the attachment:

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Add Comment Service

Continue edit Callback service, add 3 methods

Code Block

    // update total comment count
    public function addComment($aVals)
            ->updateCounter('todolist_task', 'total_comment', 'task_id',

    // Comment callback required
    public function getAjaxCommentVar()

    // Comment callback required
    public function getCommentItem($iId)

        $aRow = Phpfox::getService('todo')

        $aRow['comment_item_id'] = $iId;
        $aRow['comment_user_id'] = Phpfox::getUserId();
        $aRow['comment_view_id'] = 0;
        if (empty($aRow)) {
            return false;

        return $aRow;

    // update total comment count
    public function deleteComment($iId)
        $data = ['total_comment' => ['= total_comment -', 1]];
        $table = Phpfox::getT('todolist_task');
        $this->database()->update($table, $data, 'task_id = ' . (int)$iId);

Visit Home page again, you can post some comments on to do item as the attachment:

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Integrating Share Service

Continue edit Callback service, add following empty method

Code Block
     // share service required callback method
    public function canShareItemOnFeed(){

Visit Home page again, click on share button on to do list item, put some line then submit, the result

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if you want to modify you feed layout, visit below chapter:

Next Chapter