Version 4.7.8
- Release Date: July 07, 2021
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
- Does not show attachment in attachment list after uploaded
- Some other minor bugs
- Support PHP 8.0
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/Admin/ExportDataController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ManageConversationsController.php
- M Controller/CustomListController.php
- M Controller/SendMessageController.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/group-members.html.php
- M views/block/message-item.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/conversations.html.php
- M views/controller/panel.html.php
Version 4.7.7
- Release Date: March 04, 2021
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
- Fix RTL layout issues
- Some bugs fixed
- Support user leave a chat group
- Add notice for users when they don't have permission to send messages to a person
Changed Files
- M Controller/ConversationPopupController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/SendMessageController.php
- M Controller/ThreadController.php
- M Install.php
- M
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/CustomList/Process.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Mail.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M
- M phrase.json
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/message-item.html.php
- M views/controller/customlist/index.html.php
- M views/controller/panel.html.php
Version 4.7.6
- Release Date: July 01, 2020
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
- Fix layout issues
- Support Export Conversations to ChatPlus
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- A Controller/Admin/ExportDataController.php
- A Controller/DownloadExportController.php
- M Install.php
- M assets/main.less
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- A views/controller/admincp/export-data-chat-plus.html.php
Version 4.7.5
- Release Date: September 13, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
- Fix layout issues
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/AddCustomListController.php
- M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ManageConversationsController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ManageMessageController.php
- M Controller/CustomListController.php
- M Install.php
- M
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/CustomList/CustomList.php
- M Service/CustomList/Process.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Mail.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M
- M phrase.json
- M views/controller/admincp/conversations.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/messages.html.php
- M views/controller/customlist/add.html.php
- M views/controller/panel.html.php
Version 4.7.4
- Release Date: May 10, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
- The font is broken when contacting a seller in Marketplace using SK language.
- In the Responsive layout, missing the reply box after scrolling up.
- Chat Detail - Wrong cursor when hovering on an action.
- Spam message - Show wrong information of receiver after sending messages
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/ComposeController.php
- M Controller/ConversationPopupController.php
- M Controller/CustomListController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/SendMessageController.php
- M Install.php
- M
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Mail.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M
- M phrase.json
- M views/controller/compose.html.php
- M views/controller/conversation-popup.html.php
- M views/controller/customlist/index.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
Version 4.7.3
- Release Date: Mar 5th, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
URL in messages does not open in a new window.
Layout issue on the mobile layout when reading messages on the popup
Message scroll down to the lastest while viewing long discussion.
Have layout issue on Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge when sending a long URL.
Show 500 error when searching conversation.
Missed translation phrases of Error messages.
Custom List doesn't show the latest member added after searching and adding members
Changed Files
M Controller/AddCustomListController.php
M Controller/ComposeController.php
M Controller/CustomListController.php
M Service/Mail.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.css
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
M phrase.json
M views/controller/compose.html.php
M views/controller/conversation-popup.html.php
Version 4.7.2
- Release Date: Jan 3rd, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
Miss phrases in Manage Apps.
Avatar is distorted on the Bootstrap template.
Show duplicated "--TODAY--" when translating 'today' phrase to 'today vn'.
Messages always toward bottom instead of top.
The top portion of a message is always offscreen in view all messages.
Not show the user's photo in a custom list.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/ComposeController.php
M Controller/CustomListController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Controller/SendMessageController.php
M Install.php
M Service/Helper.php
M Service/Mail.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.css
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
M phrase.json
M views/controller/conversation-popup.html.php
M views/controller/panel.html.php
Version 4.7.1
- Release Date: Dec 18, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0
Fixed Bugs
- Word wrap does not work properly.
- Missing phrases.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/AddCustomListController.php
M Controller/Admin/ManageMessageController.php
M Controller/CustomListController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Install.php
A Installation/Version/v471.php
M Service/CustomList/CustomList.php
M Service/CustomList/Process.php
M Service/Helper.php
M Service/Mail.php
M assets/main.less
M hooks/validator.admincp_settings_mail.php
M installer.php
M phrase.json
M views/block/message-footer.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/messages.html.php
M views/controller/compose.html.php
M views/controller/customlist/add.html.php
M views/controller/customlist/index.html.php
M views/controller/index.html.php
Version 4.7.0
- Release Date: Oct 11, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.0