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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New Features / Improvements

1Compatible with PHP 8.1
2For Amazon S3 storage, only
require permission for
the using bucket, not for 
a certain bucket instead of all buckets on S3
3Admin can add the phone number to ban filters
4Add a progress bar when users upload a cover photo
the "Send Now"  option for the scheduled post

Edit user's profile:

+ Add asterisk on required custom fields

+ If missing required fields, all messages will be shown at the same time 

7In Manage
Themes > Homepage - Support multiple languages for "Main content"
8Update "Signup with Google" using Google Identity Service

Bugs Fixed

1Could not change the privacy of the photo/video feed that having check-in
Edit status has mentioned at the en - Auto-add an empty line if add more lines at the below
When editing multi-line status to mention a user at the end of a certain line, a redundant blank line is injected automatically right after that line

Friend app's issues:

+ Even though Admin has turned


the "Friends" app off, users can still mention friends



In the "Invite your Friends" page,

loading empty

no data is loaded in "Add to Friend" section

+ When users post status and tag friends, they couldn't like or comment on

the feed-in their profile

their Profile feed


Currency issues:

+ If admins


change the order of currencies,

it still did not update

the change isn't applied in the front-end until

performing Clear

clearing All Caches



Admin can deactivate the default currency

+ If deactivating the currency that the user has set as their Preferred Currency,

it will show

the  price of items is shown in the wrong format

price of items

Ban Filter's issues:

+ Admin can add ban filter with empty data

+ Ban filters can be duplicated

+ When searching for IP Address, an error code

could be shown 

sometimes displays


PHP 8 issues:

+ Show 500 error when admin views log of importing history

+ In version 4.8.9, when doing a fresh install on PHP 8, the installation work could not be completed

7Browse Users page keeps loading if the site has too many users
8Feed/Comment - Users can still mention pending pages/groups
that have no permission to view
9On the Sign-up form, the custom gender fields don't display

Users cannot sign up for an account via Google if:

+ Google sign-in was deprecated

+ Use Google Identity


Layout issues on Bootstrap:

+ On Feed, the layout of check-in is not displayed properly

+ On Sign-up/Sign-in form, the password field is too short 

+ On Sign-up, the text of the warning message is cut off


Photo's issues:

+ When creating a new album


within a page, it does not load the created album on the 'Photo Album' drop-down and All Albums page

+ In the


Recent photos,  the mature photos are not blurred on the user's profile page

+ If posting multiple photos with custom privacy, it only shows one photo on the feed for friends


in the list 


Comment's issues:


 Bootstrap - Comment

In Bootstrap template, when commenting with the link

- Broken

, layout


of the link preview is broken

+ Emojis are shown incorrectly after editing the comment