Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

If you are unsure if your web server meets our product requirements, simply contact your host and send them this page.

Minimal Server Requirements

  • CPU: Single core (2 GHz)
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Disk: SSD

Software Requirements

Server OS

Linux OS is recommended

Web Server

Apache or (NginX + PHP-FPM)

  • If using Apache server, mod_rewrite is required
PHP Version

From PHP 8.0

DatabaseMySQL (5.7 or higher), Postgres (13.0 or higher)
Required PHP Extensions
  • MySQLi: if using MySQL database
  • pgsql: if using Postgres database
  • gd
  • cURL
  • zip
  • mbstring
  • xml
  • dom
  • json
  • bcmath
  • ctype
  • openssl
  • pcre
  • fileinfo
  • tokenizer
  • exif
Optional PHP Extensions
  • imagick
  • redis
  • apcu
  • opcache
PHP EXEC functionRequired
Required write permissions

Assume that the webroot folder is public_html, MetaFox needs the write permission on the following folders:

  • public_html
  • public_html/storage/* (recursively)
  • public_html/public/* (recursively)
  • public_html/bootstrap/cache/* (recursively)
  • public_html/config/* (recursively)

Additional Requirement for the Video App

If you want to allow users to upload videos from their computer, your server must be able to encode/transcode videos so that they can be displayed on your website properly. So:

  • You must have FFMPEG installed on your server. Be aware that video encoding/transcoding is a CPU-intension task and can take a long time to run, you should only install it on a dedicated environment such as a dedicated server. If you are using Shared Hosting or VPS / Cloud Hosting environments, be sure to check with your hosting provider to see if they allow this encoding task.