NOTE: Third-party apps are not part of the phpFox script and they are provided and maintained by the developer parties that list them.
phpFox is not responsible for any issues that third-party apps could cause to your website. It is always good to fully back up your site before installing anything new to your site. In addition, you should always need to look through the reviews or research the apps, as well as the developers providing the apps, before making any decision to purchase or install them.
This tutorial will show you how to install/uninstall third-party Apps for your MetaFox site. This assumes you are already logged in as the Admin user and are logged into the AdminCP.
Installing Apps
Go to AdminCP >> Apps >> Find More.
Click on the button FIND MORE to get more apps from the phpFox store, they show up in the bottom list. For free apps, you just need to click on them and hit the Install button to start the installation.
You can also use the Search Box to find more apps in the store including paid apps from third parties. Once you find an app you want to see more info about, select it. The app's info screen and install/order screen will show. You'll be able to purchase apps directly from this screen. Once the purchase is done and Paypal has transferred the funds from your account to the third-party developer's account, you'll be able to click to install the app.
- Click Install to install free apps or to pay for and then install paid apps. The image below shows a free app. Paid apps would show the price.
- You can review the app right from Admin CP.
- You can read more info about the app, including any special tips from the developers.
Uninstall Apps
Go to Admin cp> Apps >> Browse, click the setting icon of the app you want to uninstall then select uninstall.
For paid apps, you need to pay for them before you can have them installed. Paid apps come with a price and Buy now button instead of the Install button. You can click on the Buy now button to buy and there will be prompts for payment. You can enter the Coupon code here and then process the payment through Paypal until finished to make sure the app has been successfully purchased to your account. Then you can process on installing normally.
- Once you click to GET IT, you'll see a list of files. Click CONTINUE.
- You'll now be on the screen to choose the upload method. If you've already saved your upload method in the FTP Account then you won't need to add the FTP or SSH details again. Click Check Permissions and finalize to proceed. Please note that many have issues using the FTP method and you should choose File system method.
- Once you've installed the app, you need to rebuild the core theme and clear the cache to make sure the app works well.
This guide aims to assist you in the process of installing apps in the AdminCP of your MetaFox site. Apps can enhance your platform's functionality, and this guide will ensure that you can install them effortlessly.
Before proceeding, ensure that you have administrative access to the MetaFox site and you have already purchased the app licenses on the Appstore.
Install/Re-install an app
Let's log into AdminCP > Apps > Purchased . In this pages, all apps you have purchased will be displayed as below
Now, click on the app you want to install. For instance, we will try to install/reinstall the ChatPlus app in this guide, so we will click on the ChatPlus item to go to the App Details page
Click on the Install/Reinstall button to starting installing the ChatPlus app. You will need to wait for the installation to complete.
During the installation, the site will send build request to MetaFox Build service to build frontend web with the new app. Thus, it may take a few minutes for the app to display on the frontend.
After installing successfully, you can reload the AdminCP and start configuring app as your need by going to AdminCP > App Settings, search the newly installed app and accessing its settings
Managing Installed Apps
Viewing Installed Apps
Navigate to the AdminCP > Apps > Installed. Here, you can see a list of all installed apps on your site.
Disabling or Enabling Apps
- Toggle the app's Is Active to "Disable" or "Enable" as required.
- Disabled apps won't function until re-enabled.
- Some apps are mandatory and cannot be inactive
Uninstall Apps
You can uninstall the inactive apps by going to the AdminCP > Apps > Installed. Then, click the Uninstall option and follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.