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Here’s a quick look into the standard recommendations for a server when running MetaFox. 

If you are unsure if your server meets the product requirements, please contact your host and send them this page.

Minimal Server Configuration

  • CPU: Single core (2 GHz)
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Disk: SSD

MetaFox can be installed with either Docker or normal hosting service. Now we will take a deeper look into the requirements for each setup option below

With Docker

This is the highly recommended setup for MetaFox as it can be quickly set up on servers or cloud hosting supporting Docker applications. You can consider using the following hosting service type for the MetaFox site:

  • Dedicated server: On a dedicated server, you will have root permission to set up Docker environment and install the MetaFox site quickly and easily.
  • VPS / Cloud Hosting: Your SSH account needs to have permission to run the Docker application
  • Docker hosting platforms: There are many hosting platforms providing powerful, reliable infrastructure and services for Docker applications such as Amazon ECS, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Run, etc.

With Shared hosting service

Server OS

Linux OS is recommended

Web Server

Apache or (NginX + PHP-FPM)

  • If using Apache server, mod_rewrite is required
PHP Version

PHP 8.1 (From 8.1.13)

DatabasePostgres (13.0 or higher), MySQL (5.7 or higher)
Required PHP Extensions
  • MySQLi: if using MySQL database
  • pgsql: if using Postgres database
  • gd
  • cURL
  • zip
  • mbstring
  • xml
  • dom
  • json
  • bcmath
  • ctype
  • openssl
  • pcntl
  • pcre
  • fileinfo
  • tokenizer
  • exif
  • sodium
  • intl
Optional PHP Extensions
  • imagick
  • redis
  • apcu
  • opcache
PHP EXEC functionRequired
Required write permissions

Assume that the webroot folder is public_html, MetaFox needs the write permission on the following folders:

  • public_html
  • public_html/storage/* (recursively)
  • public_html/public/* (recursively)
  • public_html/bootstrap/cache/* (recursively)
  • public_html/config/* (recursively)

Additional Requirement for the Video App

If you want to allow users to upload videos from their computer, your server must be able to encode/transcode videos so that they can be displayed on your website properly. So:

  • You must have FFMPEG installed on your server. Be aware that video encoding/transcoding is a CPU-intension task and can take a long time to run, you should only install it on a dedicated environment such as a dedicated server. If you are using Shared Hosting or VPS / Cloud Hosting environments, be sure to check with your hosting provider to see if they allow this encoding task.