You are using phpFox version earlier than 4.6.0? Please refer instruction for this article here.

If you find that you need to change your domain for your license, please follow these steps. Please ensure you are only having one website per license, as the license terms state though, as changing the domain will disable authorization for the original domain and can cause your host to delete your site as it will show unlicensed.

To Change Your License in Your Account

To Change Your Website Files to Use the New Domain

Once you've changed your licensed domain in your account, if your website was already installed before, you need to change some files on the server in order for your website to use the new domain name. 

$_CONF[''] = '';
$_CONF['core.folder'] = '/oldsubfolder/';

Line 33 above is for the site domain. Change that to the new one.

Line 35 above is for the subfolder if you had or have the website installed in a subfolder. If you did have it in one and don't have it in one now, simply change line 35 to show as follows:

$_CONF['core.folder'] = '/';
$_CONF['db']['driver'] = 'mysqli';
$_CONF['db']['host'] = 'localhost'; 
$_CONF['db']['user'] = 'olddbuser';
$_CONF['db']['pass'] = 'olddbpassword';
$_CONF['db']['name'] = 'olddbname';
$_CONF['db']['prefix'] = 'phpfox_';
$_CONF['db']['port'] = '';

Changing the .htaccess if Using Short Urls

If you had short urls enabled, or if you had the .htaccess for some other reason, you'll need to change it in order to point to your new domain. 

RewriteBase /yoursubfoldername/
RewriteBase /


  1. Remember to make sure your new DNS has fully propagated. You can check propagation at many different sites, such as DNS Checker
  2. Fully clear browser cache and site cache when changing domains.
  3. If you still have issues, you might need to flush your DNS cache. You can google for that, such as this article, or ask your ISP provider.
  4. Development sites, if done according to the license terms, do not need to be put in your account when you are trying to install. As long as the development site is in a phpfoxdev or development subfolder or subdomain of the licensed domain, it will be fine without changing the domain in your account.