View To-Do Item

Create PHP service class TodoList under Service directory, past following code


namespace Apps\TodoList\Service;

use Phpfox;

class TodoList extends \Phpfox_Service
    public function getForBrowse($id)
        return db()->select('t.*')
            ->from(Phpfox::getT('todolist_task'), 't')
            ->where('task_id='. (int)$id)

Register this service to start.php

// register service
    'todo.browse' => Service\Browse::class,
    'todo'        => Service\TodoList::class,

Create a new controller ViewController under Controller directory, then paste the following code


namespace Apps\TodoList\Controller;

class ViewController extends \Phpfox_Component
    public function process(){

        $template  = $this->template();

        // add your section menus
        $template->buildSectionMenu('to-do-list', [
            'Browse' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list'),
            'Create' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'),

        $template->menu('Add To Do', $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'));

        $id = $this->request()->get('req3');

        $browseService = \Phpfox::getService('todo');
        $aItem  = $browseService->getForBrowse($id);

        $url = $this->url()->permalink('to-do-list.view', $aItem['task_id'], $aItem['name']);

            ->setBreadCrumb($aItem['name'], $url);


$this->request()->get('req3') is used to get the third value in the url. For example:

In this case, current url is:, so request()->get('req3') will return the id of the Todo List

Then, you have to register and add a route in start.php for this controller:

$module->addComponentNames('controller', [
    'todo.view' => Controller\ViewController::class,

route('to-do-list/view/:id/:name', function () {
    return 'controller';

Let's review the previous chapter a little bit, after clicking the link

<a href="{ permalink module='to-do-list.view' id=$aItem.task_id title=$ }">

it will redirect you to the controller todo.view that you had registered in start.php, that means you will be redirected to the URL:, thus, the route for todo.view controller has to be 'to-do-list/view/:id/:name' in order to redirect and pass request parameters correctly.

Tip: You can also simply register route as: to-do-list/view/* - "*" means you can put as many requests as you want.

After that, create a template file view.html.php under views/controller directory, paste following code

<p>{ if $aItem.task_status >0 }complete{else}in-complete{/if}</p>

Why the file name is view.html.php, let's review the naming rule mentioned in the previous chapters.

Integrate Comment To Page View

First, add code below to the bottom of file view.html.php under views/controller.

{ module name='feed.comment' }

By using { module name='...' }, you integrate block to your view.

Next, update function getForBrowse of TodoList service.

public function getForBrowse($id)
    if (Phpfox::isModule('friend')) {
        db()->select('f.friend_id AS is_friend, ')
            ->leftJoin(Phpfox::getT('friend'), 'f', "f.user_id = t.user_id AND f.friend_user_id = " . Phpfox::getUserId());

    if (Phpfox::isModule('like')) {
        db()->select('l.like_id AS is_liked, ')
            ->leftJoin(Phpfox::getT('like'), 'l', 'l.type_id = \'todo\' AND l.item_id = t.task_id AND l.user_id = ' . Phpfox::getUserId());

    return db()->select('t.*')
        ->from(Phpfox::getT('todolist_task'), 't')
        ->where('task_id='. (int)$id)

Finally, update ViewController with the following code.


namespace Apps\TodoList\Controller;

class ViewController extends \Phpfox_Component
    public function process()
        $template = $this->template();

        // add your section menus
        $template->buildSectionMenu('to-do-list', [
            'Browse' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list'),
            'Create' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'),

        $template->menu('Add To Do', $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'));

        $id = $this->request()->get('req3');

        $browseService = \Phpfox::getService('todo');
        $aItem = $browseService->getForBrowse($id);
        $url = $this->url()->permalink('to-do-list.view', $aItem['task_id'], $aItem['name']);

        $this->setParam('aFeed', array(
                'comment_type_id' => 'todo',
                'privacy' => $aItem['privacy'],
                'like_type_id' => 'todo',
                'feed_is_liked' => $aItem['is_liked'],
                'feed_is_friend' => $aItem['is_friend'],
                'item_id' => $aItem['task_id'],
                'user_id' => $aItem['user_id'],
                'total_comment' => $aItem['total_comment'],
                'total_like' => $aItem['total_like'],
                'feed_link' => \Phpfox_Url::instance()->makeUrl('to-do-list/view'). $aItem['task_id'],
                'feed_title' => $aItem['name'],
                'feed_display' => 'view',
                'feed_total_like' => $aItem['total_like'],
                'report_module' => 'todo',
                'report_phrase' => _p('report_this_todo'),
                'time_stamp' => $aItem['time_stamp']

            ->setBreadCrumb($aItem['name'], $url);

            'aItem' => $aItem,

Visit to do list homepage, click a detail title to be redirected to detailed page, the final result will be similar to

Congratulation, You have basic knowledge about Create, Listing, View a to-dopermalink list item, using phpFox services database, URL, template.

Next chapter will show you how to interact to most important of social network feature Activity Feed.

Next Chapter