View To Do Item

Create php service class TodoList under Service directory, past following code


namespace Apps\TodoList\Service;

use Phpfox;

class TodoList extends \Phpfox_Service
    public function getForBrowse($id)
        return \Phpfox::getLib('database')
            ->where('task_id='. (int)$id)

Register this service to start.php

// register service
    'todo.browse' => Service\Browse::class,
    'todo'        => Service\TodoList::class,

Create a new controller AddController under Controller directory, then paste following code


namespace Apps\TodoList\Controller;

class ViewController extends \Phpfox_Component
    public function process(){

        $template  = $this->template();

        // add your section menus
        $template->buildSectionMenu('to-do-list', [
            'Browse' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list'),
            'Create' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'),

        $template->menu('Add To Do', $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'));

        $id = $this->request()->get('req3');

        $browseService = \Phpfox::getService('todo');
        $aItem  = $browseService->getForBrowse($id);

        $url = $this->url()->permalink('to-do-list.view', $aItem['task_id'], $aItem['name']);

            ->setBreadCrumb($aItem['name'], $url);


*$this-&gt;request()-&gt;get(&#39;req3&#39;)* is used to get the third value in the url. For example: [http://{}/index.php/req1/req2/req3/]...

In this case, current url is: [], so {{request()-&gt;get(&#39;req3&#39;)}} will return the id of the Todo List

Then, you have to register and add route in start.php for this controller:

            'toto.view'     => Controller\ViewController::class,
route('to-do-list/view/:id/:name', function () {
    return 'controller';

Let's review the previous chapter a little bit, after clicking the link

<a href="{ permalink module='todo.view' id=$aItem.task_id title=$ }">

it will redirect you to the controller todo.view that you had registered in start.php, that means you will be redirected to the url:, thus, the route for todo.view controller has to be 'to-do-list/view/:id/:name' in order to redirect and pass request parameters correctly.

Tip: You can also simply register route as: to-do-list/view/_ - "_" means you can put as many requests as you want.

After that, create a template file view.html.php under views\controller directory, paste following code

<p>{ if $aItem.task_status >0 }complete{else}in-complete{/if}</p>

Why the file name is view.html.php, let's review the naming rule mentioned in the previous chapters.

Visit to do list homepage, click a detail title to be redirected to detailed page, the final result will be similar to

Congratulation, You have basic knowledge about Create, Listing, View a to do list item, using phpFox services database, url, template
Next chapter will show you how to interact to most important of social network feature Activity Feed.

Next Chapter