Once this is enabled, the sign up form will not have a Submit button as the reCAPTCHA handles that. Users would get signed up when they complete the reCAPTCHA challenge.

The Google reCAPTCHA app is a great way to help control spam on your website. In order to enable this nice feature, you'll need to first set up your Google reCAPTCHA account.

  1. Add a Label so you know which site this is for.
  2. Add your domain like yourdomain.com . It will be for the full domain range so if you have subfolders or subdomains, it will work for those.
  3. Choose if you want to get alerts if Google detects problems with your site, such as misconfiguration errors or an increase in suspicious traffic.
  4. Register to save this domain.

Once you've Registered it, you'll get the Site Key and Secret Key. Copy those as you'll need them for the next step.


It's always a good idea to clear your site's cache after adding anything.