Version 4.8.1
- Release Date: October 02, 2023
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.10
Bugs Fixed
- Issue with DST Timezone when creating event
- Layout issues
- Some other issues
- Compatible with PHP 8.1
- Allow owner invite people to join Event via phone number
- Support mass action on Event listing without reload page
- Improvement on Repeat Event
- Improvement on global search Event
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/AttendingBlock.php
- M Block/CategoryBlock.php
- M Block/FeaturedBlock.php
- M Block/InviteBlock.php
- M Block/ProfileBlock.php
- M Block/RsvpBlock.php
- M Block/SponsoredBlock.php
- M Block/SuggestionBlock.php
- M Controller/AddController.php
- M Controller/Admin/AddController.php
- M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/ProfileController.php
- M Controller/ViewController.php
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Database/Event.php
- M Installation/Database/Event_Category.php
- M Installation/Database/Event_Category_Data.php
- M Installation/Database/Event_Feed.php
- M Installation/Database/Event_Feed_Comment.php
- M Installation/Database/Event_Invite.php
- M Installation/Database/Event_Text.php
- M Installation/Version/v460.php
- M Installation/Version/v470.php
- M Service/Api.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category/Category.php
- M Service/Category/Process.php
- M Service/Event.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- A assets/invite.js
- M assets/main.less
- M
- A checksum
- A hooks/feed.service_feed_get_buildquery.php
- A hooks/feed.service_feed_get_userprofile.php
- A hooks/friend.component_block_search_get.php
- M hooks/privacy.component_block_form_process.php
- M hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_event.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/applyforrepeatevent.html.php
- M views/block/attending.html.php
- M views/block/browse.html.php
- M views/block/category.html.php
- M views/block/featured.html.php
- M views/block/feed-rows.html.php
- M views/block/guests-list-tab.html.php
- M views/block/info.html.php
- M views/block/invite.html.php
- M views/block/item.html.php
- M views/block/list.html.php
- M views/block/menu.html.php
- M views/block/mini-entry.html.php
- M views/block/mini.html.php
- M views/block/profile.html.php
- M views/block/rsvp-action.html.php
- M views/block/rsvp-entry.html.php
- M views/block/rsvp.html.php
- M views/block/sponsored.html.php
- M views/block/suggestion.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/add.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/delete.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/index.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
- M views/controller/profile.html.php
- M views/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.8.0
- Release Date: July 05, 2021
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.3
Bugs Fixed
- Events of secret groups are showing publicly via default RSS feeds
- Layout issues
- Support PHP 8.0
- Support Online and Recurring Event
- Add new setting for Email Notification
- Add new settings to allow Admins review and update all email contents
- Show Warning message if users want to leave site when adding an event
- Send notification to all attendees when having a new post/status or updates on the event
- Support "Invitee Only" privacy
- Support Limitation on number of events created by user group
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/AddController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/ViewController.php
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Database/Event.php
- M Installation/Version/v460.php
- A Job/AddNotificationForPostStatusInEvent.php
- A Job/AddNotificationWhenChangeEventContent.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category/Category.php
- M Service/Event.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- A checksum
- A hooks/feed.service_feed_processfeed.php
- M hooks/job_queue_init.php
- A hooks/privacy.component_block_form_process.php
- M phrase.json
- A views/block/applyforrepeatevent.html.php
- M views/block/feed-rows.html.php
- M views/block/info.html.php
- M views/block/item.html.php
- M views/block/mini-entry.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
Version 4.7.3
- Release Date: November 21, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.8
Bugs Fixed
- Event always appends the country of the owners to its location #2820.
- RSS feed - Able to get events created in Page and Group
Changed Files
- M Block/FeaturedBlock.php
- M Block/SponsoredBlock.php
- M Controller/AddController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category/Process.php
- M Service/Event.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M views/block/feed-rows.html.php
- M views/block/info.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
Version 4.7.2
- Release Date: September 25, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.8
Bugs Fixed
- Layout issues
- Support adding/ editing event location with suggestions of Google Maps.
- Support searching and displaying events on Google Maps.
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/CategoryBlock.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Database/Event.php
- A Installation/Version/v472.php
- A Job/ConvertOldLocation.php
- M
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category/Category.php
- M Service/Event.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M
- A hooks/job_queue_init.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/info.html.php
- M views/block/menu.html.php
- M views/block/rsvp-action.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
Version 4.7.1
- Release Date: Mar 5, 2019
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.4
Bugs Fixed
The option status isn't updated on feed after clicking on an event option.
Feeds - The event content doesn't display in the feed when the user enters HTML tags.
Have Pagination issue on Guest List popup
New Features / Improvements
Support to edit status with Link
Event Detail - Attachments - Space between attachment is too large.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/AttendingBlock.php
M Install.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category/Category.php
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
M hooks/template_template_getmenu_3.php
M views/block/info.html.php
M views/controller/add.html.php
Version 4.7.0
- Release Date: December 06, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.1
Bugs Fixed
- Event detail - Button is overflowed.
- Event - Event Detail - Start time and end time are not correct.
- Event - Event Detail - Redundant the attending option.
- Event - Event Detail - Event privacy is not correct.
- Event - Missing breadcrumb in the event detail page.
- Device - Event - Event Detail - Share button is not working.
- Event - User Profile - English error.
- Event - Event Detail - Layout spacing is not good.
- Create a new event - Show wrong in the feed.
- Edit event - Not load selected category.
- Show all content of the event in the feed.
- Mass Email Guests - Time be not converted yet.
- Invite people to come - Invite users - Invited users do not receive mail.
- After click Cancel Attending an event, it will appear in Invited Events.
- Profile - Not hide event on the mini menu when disable "Can browse and view the event module?".
- Most Liked, Most Discussed sort working wrong.
- From Feed, click on Maybe Attending button -> not change status.
- Bootstrap - Guest list pop up - Has 2 Add Friend Button.
- Responsive - Invited Events/Invites block - Confirm drop-down be cut.
- Invited Event - Misses padding between icon and text on buttons.
- Missed the letter "s" if having 0 guests.
- Bootstrap - Invited Events list - Layout issue after confirming event as "Maybe Attending".
New Features / Improvements
- The new layout of Event Details page, Invited block, and Feed
- Support un-attending / Maybe attending
- Not allow creating a new event when the start time is smaller than the current time.
- After logging in as Page, not redirect to the Sponsor items page when sponsoring in event's feed.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/AttendingBlock.php
M Block/InfoBlock.php
M Block/InviteBlock.php
M Block/RsvpBlock.php
M Controller/AddController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Controller/ViewController.php
M Install.php
A Installation/Version/v470.php
M Service/Browse.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Event.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
M installer.php
M phrase.json
M start.php
M views/block/attending.html.php
M views/block/feed-rows.html.php
M views/block/info.html.php
M views/block/item.html.php
M views/block/list.html.php
M views/block/rsvp-action.html.php
M views/block/rsvp.html.php
M views/controller/add.html.php
M views/controller/index.html.php
Version 4.6.3
- Release Date: Oct 19, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.1 or later
Fix bugs
Pending event - Can sponsor a pending item.
Wrong privacy when sponsoring in feed
Sponsored Event block does not show
Admin can not sponsor a event of other user on feed
- Add new setting to disallow/allow app to post on Main feed when adding new item. (default is allow).
- Sponsor event - Send notification to event owner when admin approves.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Install.php
M Installation/Database/Event_Category_Data.php
M Installation/Database/Event_Text.php
D Installation/Version/v463.php
M Service/Browse.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category/Process.php
M Service/Event.php
M Service/Process.php
M installer.php
Version 4.6.2
- Release Date: Sep 07, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.1 or later
Fix bugs
Show error page when disable feed/page module
Location is still displaying ban word
Clicks in events don't show up in Manage Sponsorships
Show total Invited Events for non-login user
Owner of Event received Email with wrong language when admin approved or another user comment on it
Invited people received Email with wrong language when invite people to come to event by inviting user
Events - Delete Event Category - Event still displaying on parent category after deleting sub-category
Duplicated content in a mail when send Mass Email Guests for many guests use different languages
Search Events: Not work with Location filter in My Events, Groups and Pages modules
Manage Categories in ACP: Layout issue when drag categories
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/SponsoredBlock.php
M Controller/Admin/DeleteController.php
M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Install.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category/Category.php
M Service/Category/Process.php
M Service/Event.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.js
M start.php
M views/block/feed-rows.html.php
M views/block/item.html.php
M views/block/menu.html.php
M views/block/mini-entry.html.php
M views/block/sponsored.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/add.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/delete.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/index.html.php
Version 4.6.1
- Release Date: May 17 09, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
Fix bugs
- Site shows error code after deleting page/group that has an event.
- Can't invite guest.
- Missing description for Activity Points User group settings.
- Not reload the page when editing status which has single quote in status.
- Show tag friend feature when edit feed in event detail.
- Some minor layout issues.
Version 4.6.0
- Release Date: January 09, 2018
- Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
- Users can select actions of items on listing page same as on detail page.
- Support drag/drop, preview, progress bar when users upload banners.
- Support AddThis on event detail page.
- Support 3 styles for pagination.
- Validate all settings, user group settings, and block settings.
- Admins can control to show/hide events that belonged to pages/groups in events listing page.
- Allow admin can change default banners.
Removed Settings
ID | Var name | Name | Reason |
1 | cache_events_per_user | Profile Event Count | Don't use anymore |
2 | cache_upcoming_events_info | Cache Upcoming Events (Hours) | Don't use anymore |
3 | can_view_pirvate_events | Can view private events? | Don't use anymore |
4 | event_basic_information_time_short | Event Basic Information Time Stamp (Short) | Don't use anymore |
5 | event_view_time_stamp_profile | Event Profile Time Stamp | Don't use anymore |
6 | event_browse_time_stamp | Event Browsing Time Stamp | Don't use anymore |
New Settings
ID | Var name | Name | Description |
1 | event_paging_mode | Pagination Style | Select Pagination Style at Search Page. |
2 | event_default_sort_time | Default time to sort events | Select default time time to sort events in listing events page (Except Pending page and Profile page) and some blocks |
3 | event_display_event_created_in_group | Display events which created in Group to the All Events page at the Events app | Enable to display all public events to the both Events page in group detail and All Events page in Events app. Disable to display events created by an users to the both Events page in group detail and My Events page of this user in Events app and nobody can see these events in Events app but owner. |
3 | event_display_event_created_in_page | Display events which created in Page to the All Events page at the Events app | Enable to display all public events to the both Events page in page detail and All Events page in Events app. Disable to display events created by an users to the both Events page in page detail and My Events page of this user in Events app and nobody can see these events in Events app but owner. |
4 | event_meta_description | Events Meta Description | Meta description added to pages related to the Events app. |
5 | event_meta_keywords | Events Meta Keywords | Meta keywords that will be displayed on sections related to the Events app. |
New Blocks
ID | Block | Name | Description |
1 | event.suggestion | Suggestion | Suggest events have same categories with viewing event. |