Sometimes, you may want to add scripts into header or body section of all pages for either customization or Third-Party Integrations (like analytics tools, advertising networks, social media widgets, or chat plugins). This article will guide to step by step to add script onto the header section of all pages of MetaFox site
Let's log into your MetaFox site with Admin user and go to AdminCP Dashboard
Go to Settings > Site Settings page, add external scripts to the appropriate settings based on your needs
- Append Head Scripts : scripts will be inserted before the </head> tag of all pages in MetaFox site
- Prepend Body Scripts: scripts will be inserted right after the <body> tag of all pages
- Append Body Scripts: scripts will be inserted right before the </body> tag of all pages
Here is the sample of scripts of Google Tag Manager configured onto the MetaFox site
Once all scripts are added and saved successfully, you can Rebuild site to apply changes.