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Add new placement

1. Go to Admin CP >> Apps >> Installed >> Ad

Image Added

2. Click Actions > Choose Add new placement.

Image Added

3. Fill out the form to add new placement

Image Added




Title of placement.


Block that placement will be located. You can click View Sample Layout to preview blocks.

Disallowed Page

Choose pages that placement will not be shown.


Fee when a user want to add an ad in placement.

Placement Type

PPC (Pay per click) or CPM (Cost per mile).

User Group

This placement will only be shown with checked user group.

Is Active

Is this placement active after creation?

4. Click Submit.

Congratulation! You have added a new placement.

Add new ad

1. Go to Admin CP >> Apps >> Installed >> Ad

Image Added

2. Click Actions >> Choose Add new ad (If you haven't had any placement, please follow above guide to add one, then go back to this step).

Image Added

3. Fill out the form to add new ad.

Image Added



Ad type

Image or HTML


Choose placement to display ad. You can click View Sample Layout to preview blocks.


Image of ad.

Destination URL

Url that redirect user when they click on ad.

Image tooltip text (When Ad type is Image)

Image tooltip will be shown when user hover on ad image.

Title (When Ad type is HTML)

Title of ad.

Body text (When Ad type is HTML)

Body of ad.

Ad name

Ad name.

Start date

The start date to show this ad.

End date

After end date, this ad will be hidden.

Total Views

If you set this field, this ad will be hidden when total views exceeds this value.

Total Clicks

If you set this field, this ad will be hidden when total clicks exceeds this value.


Is this ad active after creation?


This ad will only be shown for users that have selected location.


This ad will only be shown for users that have selected gender.

Age between

This ad will only be shown for users that have age between your selection.


You can click Preview button to preview current ad.

4. Click Submit.

Congratulation! You have added a new ad.


Finally, the ad will appear as below in the designated block.

Image Added