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This tutorial will show you how to change your site's appearance.

Configure the site


To apply your site favicon on MetaFox site, you can follow these steps:

  • Make sure that the file name is  favicon.ico
  • Use FTP client tool (such as FileZilla or File Manager in cPanel) to upload your favicon.ico to the public folder under your webroot folder
    • Assume that the webroot folder of your MetaFox source is public_html, you can upload the file to public_html/public folder

logo and favicon

This assumes you are already logged in as the Admin user and are now in the AdminCP.

  • From Apprearences> Assets>Input the key work keyword Logo or favicon into the field Search

  • You will see two items to edit your logo: light and dark modes.


Tips: Don't forget to clear the cache and rebuild the core theme to display your new logo properly.

Build site to apply changes

Under AdminCP > Appearances, you go to Themes > Rebuild Site. Then, click on Rebuild Site button. It may take a few minutes for the build process to complete and update the frontend (web).

Now, you can go ahead to change many other assets.
