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IdNew feature/improvementDescription
1UI improvements for all pages


2Support Right-to-Left 

New Apps Manage Page in AdminCP


Some improvements have been implemented to help admin can manage


their apps


more easily


  • List View: we changed the view style to display more info about the apps on Manage page.
  • Current Version, Latest Version and Upgrade link: from now, admin can easy upgrade their apps.

Image Removed

Setting up Google Publisher Tag

User Status is editable from 4.5.0

We think this will help our social site more friendly.


. Detail.
4Support CKEditor app 
5Support Single Device Login app 
6Support Shoutbox app 
7Support RESTAPI app 
8Support Backup & Restore app 
9Support Better Ads app 

Support Google Publisher Tag

11Support user to edit their statusImage Added

Support sponsor/un-sponsor on feed for core items

From version 4.5.0,


all core items


(photos, blogs, polls, quiz, events, marketplace listings, music songs


) are supported to sponsor/un-sponsor


on feed. Detail.

Support Next/Previous button on photo detail page

Image Modified


Support set an existing photo as Profile picture


Set an existing photo as profile picture is supported form phpFox version 4.


5.0. Detail.

Support view


full-size attached photos

Now, you can view fullsize of attached photos by clicking on them.

Feature: view full-size attach photos is brought back.


Support enable/disable auto save settings in Admincp

In phpFox 4.5, when you go to a settings page in AdminCP, you can see a toggle button on the top-right corner. This button controls the setting form is auto-save or not.

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17Support crop profile photo in Pages 
18Allow admin to display number of view count on each items 
19Site admin will have permission as admin with all pages + groups on the site.This means admin of site will be admin of all pages, groups.
20Admin have ability to configure which information (display name, user name or both) will be displayed in registration form 
21Can re-arrange blog's categories 

New Apps on Store