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This tutorial will explain some terms you might hear such as blocks, controllers, etc. This is meant as a general dictionary of commonly used phrases for clients to better understand things being referred to. It is not for coding terms or developer terms.




(lightbulb) Please use CTRL+F(for Windows) or Command+F(for Apple) to search for a specific term or click sort (Image Added)  icon to arrange alphabetically.

AdminCPThe AdminCP is your Administrative Control Panel and is where you'll manage your entire site. It contains all of the settings and options to use when setting up and maintaining your website. See how to log into the admincp

Web hosting (also known as Webhosting, Web site hosting, and hosting) is the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web site. You will need a host in order to install the phpFox script. You can choose from our recommended hosts or proceed with phpFox hosting services



It is an authorization from phpFox for you to use our software. Licenses are usually given to the clients who purchased the script. Please read our phpFox License Agreement for more information.

NOTE: Only clients who are using V4 and above has the license of phpFox. If you are using legacy version, you need to upgrade to convert your legacy to the latest V4 version in order to get the license.


A computer script is a list of commands that are executed by a certain program or scripting engine. Scripts may be used to automate processes on a local computer or to generate Web pages on the Web. In our case, we use core PHP to build the phpFox script.



A server is a computer program that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in the same or other computers. In phpFox, Your server should meet these system requirements in order to install and run the script smoothly.

ticketWe have two types of ticket. Sales and Support tickets. If we are offline - and no one is available via live chat, Sales Ticket should be submitted to answer any of your pre-sales questions. However, if you are an existing client and would like to have an answer to your technical inquiries, Support Ticket should be submitted in your client area. Please check our Support Policy for more information
dashboardThis is the first page you will see when you log into your administrator's account or ADminCP on your phpFox site.
domainA unique name of your phpFox website, you need to get your own hosting domain in order to have your own unique domain name for your phpFox site. (e.g.
client areaA portal or page where clients can see their phpFox license ID, Key, and Domain. Clients can also submit a support ticket from this page. To login to your client area, go to
trial versionA 14-days free access for both frontend and backend for clients who would like to experience the script before purchasing. To request for the trial, just follow the instructions at
legacythis is the older versions of phpFox (V3 and below). Unfortunately, we are no longer supporting legacy versions but we do offer all legacy clients using legacy version for a FREE upgrade from Legacy to the latest Lite V4 version.
root directory

The root directory contains all other folders in the drive or folder, and can of course also contain files. For example, the root directory of the main partition on your computer is probably C:\.


modulesalso are known as core features of phpFox. You can visit the "Features" section on our website to know more about details. You can see all the modules of your site by logging in your admin account of your site AdminCP>>Apps
ionCube loader

The tools use the technique of compiling to bytecode prior to encoding so that source code is eliminated, and runtime overheads are reduced. A PHP extension called the ionCube Loader handles the reading and execution of encoded files at run time. IonCube Loader corresponds to your PHP version. You will need ionCube Loader version 6.0.9 or later. For more information about how to install it, you can find out at


cPanel cPanel is an online (Linux-based) web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a website. ... cPanel is designed to function either as a dedicated server or virtual private server.


local serverlocal server is a server that is running in a local or a mounted folder and whose document root is NOT the parent of the project root. To configure access to the server in this set-up, you need to specify the following: The server configuration root folder and the URL address to access it.
remote serverThe remote access server allows users to gain access to files and print services on the LAN from a remote location. For example, a user who dials into a network from home using an analog modem or an ISDN connection will dial into a remote access server.
MySQL(i)The MySQLi Extension (MySQL Improved) is a relational database driver used in the PHP programming language to provide an interface with MySQL databases. phpFox uses MySQL(i) and you can use a local or remote server. 
administratorin phpFox, an administrator is the one who is actually running and managing the website. Has a full control over the everything.

The software utility Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. People who set up and maintain software environments use Cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. ... Cron is most suitable for scheduling repetitive tasks. phpFox version 4.4 and above requires a Cron to be set up


neutronA version of phpFox which is V4 or higher. For more info about neutron's performance, check out this article
Lite(package)One of the packages of phpFox V4 ( with essential features of Social Network. It includes community support. You can upgrade this package to Basic or Pro by just paying the difference. See the comparison page for each package.
Pro(package)One of the packages of phpFox V4 ( with all the Basic core features and additional Videos, IM Chat, Subscription, Marketplace, Ads, Backup, and Restore features. It includes community and a 60-day ticket support. This package has the complete core features of phpFox for the web version of social network. See the comparison page for each package.
Ultimate (package)One of the packages of phpFox V4 ( with all the Pro features and additional Premium white-label mobile apps (iOS and Android). It includes community and a 60-day ticket support. This package has the complete solution with both web version and mobile apps . See the comparison page for each package.
cacheThe site's cache is a set of files that are small dumps of the database in most cases. They can also be processed pieces of information put together for later use. By caching content in this way the script saves resources and improves your site's performance. In phpFox, you will always be asked to clear cache after doing anything in your AdminCP for the changes you made to take effect. See clear cache for more details.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. In some cases, we need to ask your FTP account to access your database for troubleshooting purposes. FTP account usually provided by your host. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the process of uploading files to or downloading files from your server. Typically, tools such as FilezillaFlashFXPCyberDuck and many others are used to transfer the files to or from the server. See FTP Account for more details.



Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. Most web browsers display the URL of a web page above the page in an address bar.


usergroupIn phpFox, we use usergroup to categorized the members based on the access level. By default, we have 4 different usergroups, but of course, you can add more in the future if you want to. These default usergroups have its own default permission in the AdminCP. See Usergroup for more info.

MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. It's a way of identifying files on the Internet according to their nature and format.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.


tagstag is a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information. In phpFox, tags are enabled by default. It could be any trending topic on your site. See Tags and Hashtags for more info.

timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, usually giving date and time of day, sometimes accurate to a small fraction of a second. To know how to set timestamp characters, go here.



phpFox supports Full Ajax Mode. You can enable or disable it at anytime you want. It is a set of Web development techniques using many Web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous Web applications. With Ajax, Web applications can send data to and retrieve from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. See how to Enable/Disable full ajax mode.


appsIn phpFox, we have two kinds of apps. The core apps and the 3rd party apps. The core apps can be found on our demo site or in the features section of our website. The 3rd party apps are the apps developed by the 3rd party vendors and can be found in our store.
themesBy default, bootstrap is set by default as the phpFox theme. You can change it anytime by creating your own and/or purchasing from available themes in the store. To see how to manage themes on your site, go to Themes, Styles, and Customizing
language packsphpFox language is set to English by default. As phpFox supports a multi-language feature. You can change the default language at any time by purchasing available language packs from the store or by manually exporting your own language packs in the AdminCP. See tutorials on how to install and manage language packs.
SSHstands for Secure Shell (SSH). It is mainly used for transferring files. This is usually provided by your host for us to access the server for troubleshooting purposes.
file system

This permits multiple users (or processes) access to various data on the disk without regard to the sequential location of the data. In phpFox, we usually choose file system method when installing apps/themes/languages.


modulewe mostly use this term to describe the specific feature of phpFox. features such as the apps. E.g. Polls, Groups, Quizzes, etc.
subscriptiona feature of phpFox PRO V4 package wherein you as admin can set the subscription package in the AdminCP where a member will be able to subscribe to. Successful members subscription will be moved to a specific usergroup you set wherein unsuccessful subscription will be in the specific usergroup you also set in the AdminCP. For more info, see Subscription tutorials.
announcementthe word itself describes the function already. But this is not a typical announcement where you send emails in order for you to relay your message to your members. this announcement is an on-site announcement where you as an Admin can post it on your site. By default, it is displayed at the top of the feeds block so that your users can see your announcement when they log in to their accounts. See announcement for more details.
attachmentas an admin, you can add more attachment types in the AdminCP to support your users' file upload. You can set the limit size of the attachment based on the usergroups. See Attachment for more details.
newsletterUse newsletter if you want to send out mass emails to your users. Newsletter can be created in the AdminCP. You can also select the usergroup to receive your newsletter. See Newsletter for more details.
file systemselect this method when installing apps/themes/languages
bootstrapa default theme of phpFox
SMTPSMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used for sending and receiving e-mail. See SMPT settings for more details.
inherita nice feature that allows you to quickly set up user groups with some base settings and then alter them how you need them.
promotionis a way to reward your users for being active on the site. Members can be promoted based on activity points or number days they registered. See Promotion for more details.
anti-spamAs an Admin, you can use the Anti-Spam feature of phpFox to secure your site from spammers. It can be done by populating series of question with some images if not using reCaptcha. See tutorials
gift pointsas an admin, you can set to enable your users to use their activity points to give gifts to other members. See tutorials to enable gift points.
invisibilityIt is a user who would like to be invisible on your site. You, as an Admin, can set in the AdminCP to allow your users to be invisible. See tutorials.
redirectas an admin, you can set the landing page of your members after the register/login to your site. See tutorials.

A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content. It is often used to support multiple users working in a collaborative environment. This is the same term used for many different website scripts. It is where you manage the static Pages (such as terms of use, privacy, about), site Blocks and Menus.


Blocksthese are containers on your website that hold the content or showcase features (such as featured users, recent logins, birthdays). Blocks can be manipulated, removed, and added within the Block Manager in your AdminCP. Each theme has set block positions. See tutorials on creating and editing blocks.
corein phpFox, we refer core as the default app or default feature of the script. Any features included in the fresh installation of phpFox is called to be a core.
menuas an admin, you have the power of managing the menus of your site. It could be a main or a footer menu. The main menu can be found on the main homepage of your site while the footer menu located in the footer section of your site. These menus are organizable in the way want them to. See tutorials on creating and editing menu.
static pageif you want to create a page for your site's terms and conditions, for example, the static page is the solution for you. See tutorials on how to create a static page.
appsit could be a core/default phpFox apps or the 3rd party apps. As an admin, you can configure and manage these apps in the AdminCP. You can also select to enable or disable apps. See tutorials on managing apps.

we are referring to the phpFox store. Here you can find the list of available apps, themes, languages and the 3rd party developers. If you want to add more apps or features to your site, feel free to visit the phpFox store. See tutorials on how to install apps.

NOTE: Please take note that all the purchase transactions in the phpFox store go directly to the developer who owns the apps/themes/language that you will purchase. These developers also provide support for their own products.

backup and restorewe are talking about your site's data. As an Admin, it is always advisable to backup your site before making any changes to prevent losing data. This also can help you restore your site to its original stable state before the backup has been done. See tutorials
cronas an admin, you can setup cronjob if you want to schedule a backup. See tutorials
cdnphpFox supports CDN, or what we call content delivery network. It is a system of distributed servers (


network) that deliver web pages and other Web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the web page and a content delivery server. In other words, it helps your site to display the content faster. See CDN tutorials for more details
CKEditorit is a Web-based HTML text editor. If enabled, it will replace text area fields with a visual HTML editor, usually called a WYSIWYG editor. So no more painful when editing Blog Entry, Forum Post, etc. Admin can easily turn this ON/OFF or replace by any other 3rd party Rich Editor Application. See tutorials
WYSIWYGusually called as visual HTML editor. An editor or program is one that allows a developer to see what the end result will look like while the interface or document is being created. WYSIWYG is an acronym for "what you see is what you get".
groupit is one of the core apps of phpFox, where you as an admin can enable/disable and configure all the permission based and the usergroup settings. See tutorials
IM Chatthis is a core feature of phpFox PRO V4 package used to send private messages from user to another user on your site. Although this is a core feature, it has a separate installation procedure. See IM App for more details.
reCaptchahaving this feature enabled is one way of protecting your site from spammers or illegal hackers. See tutorials
shoutboxA small chat box provides a chat-like feature that allows site members to quickly leave messages on your site. See tutorials

is an online video converting/encoding/transcoding service. It takes videos that you get from your website's users, or other sources, and convert them into formats that are compatible with web playback, mobile phones, or any other device you need to support.


amazon s3

stands for Amazon Simple Storage Service is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Amazon S3 has a simple web services interface that you can use to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. phpFox uses this method to be able to upload videos from the local server.



is the world's largest content sharing platform. It provides tools that make it easier share content across the social web and provides publishers with increased traffic and in-depth analytics.



is an open source library/tool that can decode and encode any video format to one another.


language packsby default, phpFox uses English as a language. phpFox supports multilingual capability wherein you can either install your desired language packs from the store or manually input it. See tutorials

also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons, associated with a particular website or webpage.  The favicon is the tiny icon you see in the browser tab and most sites have a special one made to match their logo. The size is normally 16 x 16. See changing your site's favicon



phpFox uses e-gift as one way of monetizing your site. E-Gift Card's work just like regular Gift Cards, however, a digital card with a code is emailed to the recipient. A copy of the E-Gift Card will also be sent to the purchaser as confirmation that the email was sent. E-Gift Cards are used just like regular GiftCards online or in stores. See tutorials


activity pointsthese points can be earned by your members by doing any activities on your site such us posting blogs, photos, etc. The points earned can be used as a way to purchase any products or services within your site. See tutorials
CPMalso called as Cost per mille which means the advertising cost per thousand views.
SEOthis is the best way to strengthen the visibility of your site.
BuildWe refer to a Build as a maintenance release as part of a current Version. It is generally something such as 4.1.1 build 3. When we release a minor build like that, you would only need to upload the files via FTP to your server. No upgrade routine is necessary for these.
DebugDebug is a term used in relation to troubleshooting your website for issues. See enabling debug